I’m a little confused by the meaning in the two bottom-left panels.
Nosilla: “It is very tempting to act out [make random stuff move] when I feel unnoticed”
“But I usually can’t [make random stuff move] very effectively”
“Although I’ve been getting better at [making random stuff move] lately!”
Is that what Nosilla means? If so, has it been shown to us that Nosilla can control objects more accurately than before?
Oh yeah, I suppose so. In the back of my mind, I assumed that Nosilla could always willingly be ghost or material whenever Nosilla wanted to, just not visible.
But now that I think about it, if that were the case, she’d totally be, like, writing messages to Allison with a pencil and paper or something, huh?
Absolutely. Before tonight, she was still practicing how to reliably move a penny around under instruction from the weird ghost that haunts the local metro bus system.
That’s exactly right! As we’ve seen, she’s been able to knock stuff around in spurts, but previously didn’t have the sort of control to do anything as precise and sustained as, say, pick someone up by the shirt collar. That probably would have made things a lot easier for her prior to this point 88)
No one notice the girl in the corner talking to thin air
It’s dark and everybody else is going to be talking too, even if it’s just “Woah, what the hell was that?” She’s probably fine.
Carrie, now’s your chance to escape! Grab Allison and get out of there!
Eh it’s a party. People do stranger things when drunk.
I’m a little confused by the meaning in the two bottom-left panels.
Nosilla: “It is very tempting to act out [make random stuff move] when I feel unnoticed”
“But I usually can’t [make random stuff move] very effectively”
“Although I’ve been getting better at [making random stuff move] lately!”
Is that what Nosilla means? If so, has it been shown to us that Nosilla can control objects more accurately than before?
I think she means that she’s getting better at making things move, which is witnessed by the fact that she just shoved the girl down to the ground.
It’s gone both ways–Allison can see her now, and Nosilla can physically interact with Allison directly now.
Oh yeah, I suppose so. In the back of my mind, I assumed that Nosilla could always willingly be ghost or material whenever Nosilla wanted to, just not visible.
But now that I think about it, if that were the case, she’d totally be, like, writing messages to Allison with a pencil and paper or something, huh?
Absolutely. Before tonight, she was still practicing how to reliably move a penny around under instruction from the weird ghost that haunts the local metro bus system.
Is that a reference?
Ghost starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg
I am ‘Enry the Eighth I am, ‘Enry the Eighth I am I am…
That’s exactly right! As we’ve seen, she’s been able to knock stuff around in spurts, but previously didn’t have the sort of control to do anything as precise and sustained as, say, pick someone up by the shirt collar. That probably would have made things a lot easier for her prior to this point 88)
I love this comic, can’t wait for future updates.
nosilla… dare i say… sexy
i’ll always approve comments in this vein at the speed of light