I don’t think I can express how much I love Nosilla’s body language. In every single page, it’s just the absolute highlight. Let’s try “Nosilla’s body language is everything”?
I absolutely love the emotion, body language, and dialogue you put into this page and Nosilla’s entrance here is absolutely stunning and makes me wonder if she did this all on the fly or planned this while waiting outside the clinic there and the expression she makes on the first panel just makes me giddy as there are so many emotions there on her face, she is just so spontaneous and in the moment here. There is still a level of aggression she still harbors towards Allison for all the years she felt ignored and alone, but also a manic joy of not only being seen by her and finally being able to get around to finding out who she is. Though most importantly she after years of isolation finally has someone to talk to and interact with instead of just messing with the electrical fields and moving objects.
Discussion (4) ¬
I don’t think I can express how much I love Nosilla’s body language. In every single page, it’s just the absolute highlight. Let’s try “Nosilla’s body language is everything”?
I absolutely love the emotion, body language, and dialogue you put into this page and Nosilla’s entrance here is absolutely stunning and makes me wonder if she did this all on the fly or planned this while waiting outside the clinic there and the expression she makes on the first panel just makes me giddy as there are so many emotions there on her face, she is just so spontaneous and in the moment here. There is still a level of aggression she still harbors towards Allison for all the years she felt ignored and alone, but also a manic joy of not only being seen by her and finally being able to get around to finding out who she is. Though most importantly she after years of isolation finally has someone to talk to and interact with instead of just messing with the electrical fields and moving objects.
Well put!