Well from what I have been able to piece together this experimental drug is probably an exotic new type of Triptan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triptan
Interestingly enough Triptans are indeed used to treat migraines and a significant overdose can be fatal.
The closest real world equivalent to the listed phone number is 617-551-3110 at Cambridge, Boston Massachusetts. A biopharmaceutical company named Pfizer Inc owns that phone number.
Now fine comment readers drum me up some real (albeit likely false) conspiracy theories!
That is a spot on mbta red line train car d(>_・ )
Thank you! I had to do justice to my greatest foe…
How long did it take you to draw all of those pills?
TOO long
dude that blue panel must’ve been fun
Well from what I have been able to piece together this experimental drug is probably an exotic new type of Triptan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triptan
Interestingly enough Triptans are indeed used to treat migraines and a significant overdose can be fatal.
The closest real world equivalent to the listed phone number is 617-551-3110 at Cambridge, Boston Massachusetts. A biopharmaceutical company named Pfizer Inc owns that phone number.
Now fine comment readers drum me up some real (albeit likely false) conspiracy theories!