Chapter 4 Page 30
Thought you could have a whole conversation in peace? Think again.
EDIT 1/9/22: My partner’s got a double whammy of having been sick and recovering from surgery so I’ve been taking care of her this weekend, update will probably be up tomorrow (Mon 1/10) as a result!
It could be worse, Allison. She could be enthusiastically invested in you two getting together.
The birdie wants to talk about more things
“I’d dramatically slam the door open IF I COULD.”
mad that she doesnt have pajamas
nodima: mom says it’s _my_ turn to cuddle the owl plushie!! >:(
wow, okay, thanks autocorrect????
*binges long and beautiful and terrifying story about monsters and ghosts and mad science that’s keeping me at the edge of my seat*
*is somehow most excited about the awaited deep character development between Protagonist and Giraffe Girl*
Hey, it’s fine
People always go first