Prologue – Page 5
Just for the record, Patrick is using “wicked” in the “ubiquitous New England dialect modifier” sense, not the “extreme kid in a super soaker commercial” sense. Even though they’re virtually the same and that just about sums him up.
nice trench coat loser *kicks sand in his face*
ghost shapeshifter…but does he have a fedora?
i think this and page 6 are my absolute favorite pages on this prologue, they have such a great impact and this is the moment i was completely hooked. i’m SO excited about this comic.
I just started reading but this page hit me right in the face. Spot-on storytelling, character establishing and emotions-punching. Glad to be here, looks like I’ll be staying.
I absolutely love what you did here with people changing shape in memories and dreams at the drop of a hat. Very inventive transformation work here!